Reduce estrogen and get your manhood back
Man doing squats

You’ve heard it before: testosterone is THE sex hormone that makes men manly. Estrogen, on the other hand, is the female sex hormone that enables women to develop their feminine characteristics. It isn’t that black and white though. In both men and women, the two hormones are present, each enabling the body to operate at an optimum level.

But what will happen if things go haywire and the estrogen in your body starts to overpower your precious testosterone? This happens – and you won’t like it!

What is Estrogen Dominance?

Estrogen dominance is where there’s too much of the hormone in your body. High levels may not be fatal in the short term but because its symptoms are related to increased fat storage, it could also develop fatal health risks. This includes heart attacks, obesity and diabetes.

This can be a problem, especially if you decide to use blocking medication, which may be bad for your bodies in other ways. If you believe that you’re suffering from this condition, it’s best to take the natural approach first and focus on lifestyle changes and supplements.

Signs and Effects of Elevated Estrogen in Men

For men, this can be disastrous. It’s linked to the following:

What causes the abnormality?

Estrogen is produced through the process of aromatization that occurs in fat cells.

The purpose of aromatization is to balance the levels of hormones. Under normal circumstances, this is a good thing. However, if your hormone balance is off, dominance may occur.

Here are some factors that may contribute to low testosterone:

Endocrine disruptors

These compounds disrupt hormonal balance, and while you might not notice the effects immediately, you will experience them down the line.  The most common are those found in pesticides and plastics. Some plastics contain Bisphenol-A (BPA) which greatly mimics estrogens function and effects in the body. Certain foods can also cause such a disruption, as we will explain next.

Excessive intake of certain foods

There are many kinds of foods that can mimic the function of estrogen. These are usually plant-based food such as beer, soy, lentils, oats and beans. Of course, it’s perfectly alright to consume them in moderation; just don’t overdo it. However soy and beer even triggers aromatization which leads to production of the hormone so they’re best avoided all together. Sorry guys but beer is not a manly beverage no matter how much you want it to be, unless you want a beer belly…


When you’re stressed, your body’s hormones go out of balance because it tends to produce hormones that would counter the effects of stress instead of producing sex hormones. You end up with a lack of the hormone which usually keeps estrogen in check. This further allows female hormone levels to climb.

Complete suppression is also a bad idea!

Yes, it is not possible to suppress the production of estrogen because it will put your bone health at risk, not to mention completely kill your libido.

Estrogen is responsible for bone mineralization and improves bone mass and integrity; therefore, stopping the production will lead to major damage in the body’s skeletal system.

The key to beating dominance is by controlling and reducing the production – not completely getting rid of estrogen. This can be done by taking food supplements and making some changes to your diet.

How to keep the female hormone at bay

Estrogen dominance has less-than-pleasant effects, but it is definitely preventable. You just need to do the following:

Exercise- Weight lifting burns fats. Remember, aromatization occurs in fat cells. Fat reduction means a reduction in estrogen production as well.

Get enough sleep- Sleep deprivation reduces melatonin, which is a natural estrogen suppressor and moderator. Getting enough sleep also helps the body’s normal hormone production and elimination and improves overall health.

Stress management- the body, when faced with a stressful situation, tends to use progesterone in cortisol production which leads to excessive estrogen production. Stress can lead to many different health conditions, not just estrogen overproduction so finding a healthy way of managing your stress is a wise choice.

Take vitamins- Your body needs zinc, magnesium and other essential nutrients in estrogen elimination and utilisation. Vitamins boost the enzymes proper functioning during aromatization and help in maintaining the normal balance of estrogen and testosterone.

Add probiotics to your diet – Did you know that any alteration in the digestive system’s functioning may lead to estrogen dominance? Estrogen is eliminated through the digestive tract so keeping it healthy will help in beating estrogen dominance.

Eat fibre-rich foods- Fibre helps in eliminating excess estrogen by binding with it until the body flushes it out through the excretory system. It also helps reduce estrogen build up and body’s reabsorption of free-floating estrogen.

Be mindful of your liver’s health- The liver is responsible for estrogen breakdown; therefore, an impaired liver can alter the process and cause build up.

Testosterone Enhancing Foods

Cruciferous Vegetables – Known for their phytochemicals that combat excessive estrogen production, cruciferous vegetables are a good addition to your diet such as bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, turnips, kale, cabbage, and rutabagas.

Seeds – Some seeds contains polyphenols which are natural estrogen suppressors. It moderates the levels of female hormone in the blood stream. Flax seed contains the highest level of polyphenols.

Green Tea – beneficial due to its phytochemical contents which work as anti-cancer, reduces cholesterol and hypertension. It can also help suppress estrogen levels.

Mushrooms – Some varieties of mushrooms are great female hormone inhibitors, blocking aromatase enzymes. These include shitake, crimini, baby button, and Portobello.

Red Grapes – The skin contains resveratrol while the seeds contain proanthocyanidin and both work in suppressing production.

Pomegranates – Another non-popular fruit that is highly abundant in phytochemicals that help inhibits estrogen production by blocking aromatase enzyme. This fruit is also a must have in your daily diet because of its antioxidant properties.

Preventative health supplements

There are also supplements that help in regulating estrogen production in men. Eating the right foods may help but when levels are too much to handle, consider supplements as they are more potent.

Choose an natural estrogen blocker that contains natural ingredients to ensure your safety. It is also beneficial to choose the ones with added beneficial effects like anti-oxidants to achieve optimum wellness.  Here are some supplements that might help:

Zinc– It works by reducing aromatization which is the process of converting testosterone into estrogen. It blocks the aromatase enzyme and estrogen receptors, thus limiting estrogen absorption in the body.

Tongkat Ali– Aside from boosting libido, it works as estrogen inhibitor and a testosterone booster.

Resveratrol– is highly popular due to its anti-aging benefits. It is a testosterone enhancer due to its ability to boost the process of converting cholesterol into testosterone.

Don’t let estrogen dominance ruin your life. Fight back by making some changes to your diet and lifestyle!

“Alex Eriksson is the founder of Anabolic Health, a men’s health blog dedicated to providing honest and research backed advice for optimal male hormonal health. Anabolic Health aspires to become a trusted resource where men can come and learn how to fix their hormonal problems naturally, without pharmaceuticals. Check out his guide on Ultimate Guide to Manly Cooking.
