Time may be tight, but if you’re looking to impress, we’ve got a minute-friendly workout to enhance the feeblest of guns
Super-set 1: incline bicep curls + decline hammer curls + dips
To get arms that will be the envy of all your fellow party-goers, perform these three exercises as a circuit, moving straight from one to another without rest. Do them four times leaving a couple minutes between each superset.
1A. Incline bicep curls
Reps: 20 Muscles: biceps, forearms
What to do: Set an incline bench to 45° and lean back with a dumbbell in each hand. Allow your arms to hang down underneath your shoulders – this angle takes the force of motion out of the movement, making your biceps work harder. Bend your elbows to curl the weights up to your shoulders. When the weights are in line with your shoulders, pause and contract your biceps before lowering back to the start position.
1B. Decline hammer curls
Reps: 20 Muscles: biceps, brachialis
What to do: Holding the dumbbells in each hand, stand up, turn around and lie with your chest against the 45° incline. Let the dumbbells hang at arm’s length, your palms facing each other. This causes your arms to hang in front of your body, placing emphasis on your brachialis, the muscle beneath your bicep. Bend your elbows to curl the weights up to your shoulders. When the weights touch your shoulders, pause and contract your biceps before lowering back to the start.
1c. Dips
Reps: 20 Muscles: triceps, chest, shoulders
What to do: Position yourself over the parallel dip bars, elbows locked, with your feet in the air. Bend your elbows to lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel to the floor. Quickly push back up to the start position. (This move targets your triceps, muscles that make up 70% of your upper arm, so they’re worth working.)
Super-set 2: tricep pushdown + cable rope curls + tricep curls
Using a lighter weight and keeping the reps fast, perform each exercise for 60 seconds or until failure, whichever is first. Go from one move to another without rest. Perform four circuits leaving a couple minutes between each.
2a. Tricep pushdown
Muscles: triceps
What to do: Connect a rope handle attachment to the high pulley of the cable crossover machine and grab a handle in each hand. Bring your elbows close to your sides, then straighten your arms, pushing the rope down until your arms are locked. Quickly tense your triceps then slowly release back to the start position.
2b. Cable rope curls
Muscle: biceps
What to do: Lower the pulley to the lowest setting. Grab the handles in each hand and stand upright with your elbows straight. Bend your elbows to curl the rope as high as you can, keeping your upper arms close to your body. Lower back to the start but don’t pause at the bottom of the move
2c. Tricep curls
Muscle: triceps
What to do: Turn around and position your hands behind your head with your elbows pointing straight up. Take one step forward and lean gently away from the machine. Extend through the elbows, keeping the upper arms still; raise your hands above your head until arms are straight. Pause, tense your triceps then carefully return to the start position. You’re ready to hit the town, but not too hard – with those guns you could do real damage!
For an alternative route to bigger guns, try these three easy moves.